/* * Copyright (C) 2002 Roman Zippel * Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define LKC_DIRECT_LINK #include "lkc.h" static void conf(struct menu *menu); static void check_conf(struct menu *menu); enum { ask_all, ask_new, ask_silent, set_default, set_yes, set_mod, set_no, set_random } input_mode = ask_all; char *defconfig_file; static int indent = 1; static int valid_stdin = 1; static int conf_cnt; static char line[128]; static struct menu *rootEntry; static char nohelp_text[] = N_("Sorry, no help available for this option yet.\n"); static void strip(char *str) { char *p = str; int l; while ((isspace(*p))) p++; l = strlen(p); if (p != str) memmove(str, p, l + 1); if (!l) return; p = str + l - 1; while ((isspace(*p))) *p-- = 0; } static void check_stdin(void) { if (!valid_stdin && input_mode == ask_silent) { printf(_("aborted!\n\n")); printf(_("Console input/output is redirected. ")); printf(_("Run 'make oldconfig' to update configuration.\n\n")); exit(1); } } static void conf_askvalue(struct symbol *sym, const char *def) { enum symbol_type type = sym_get_type(sym); tristate val; if (!sym_has_value(sym)) printf("(NEW) "); line[0] = '\n'; line[1] = 0; if (!sym_is_changable(sym)) { printf("%s\n", def); line[0] = '\n'; line[1] = 0; return; } switch (input_mode) { case ask_new: case ask_silent: if (sym_has_value(sym)) { printf("%s\n", def); return; } check_stdin(); case ask_all: fflush(stdout); fgets(line, 128, stdin); return; case set_default: printf("%s\n", def); return; default: break; } switch (type) { case S_INT: case S_HEX: case S_STRING: printf("%s\n", def); return; default: ; } switch (input_mode) { case set_yes: if (sym_tristate_within_range(sym, yes)) { line[0] = 'y'; line[1] = '\n'; line[2] = 0; break; } case set_mod: if (type == S_TRISTATE) { if (sym_tristate_within_range(sym, mod)) { line[0] = 'm'; line[1] = '\n'; line[2] = 0; break; } } else { if (sym_tristate_within_range(sym, yes)) { line[0] = 'y'; line[1] = '\n'; line[2] = 0; break; } } case set_no: if (sym_tristate_within_range(sym, no)) { line[0] = 'n'; line[1] = '\n'; line[2] = 0; break; } case set_random: do { val = (tristate)(random() % 3); } while (!sym_tristate_within_range(sym, val)); switch (val) { case no: line[0] = 'n'; break; case mod: line[0] = 'm'; break; case yes: line[0] = 'y'; break; } line[1] = '\n'; line[2] = 0; break; default: break; } printf("%s", line); } int conf_string(struct menu *menu) { struct symbol *sym = menu->sym; const char *def, *help; while (1) { printf("%*s%s ", indent - 1, "", menu->prompt->text); printf("(%s) ", sym->name); def = sym_get_string_value(sym); if (sym_get_string_value(sym)) printf("[%s] ", def); conf_askvalue(sym, def); switch (line[0]) { case '\n': break; case '?': /* print help */ if (line[1] == '\n') { help = nohelp_text; if (menu->sym->help) help = menu->sym->help; printf("\n%s\n", menu->sym->help); def = NULL; break; } default: line[strlen(line)-1] = 0; def = line; } if (def && sym_set_string_value(sym, def)) return 0; } } static int conf_sym(struct menu *menu) { struct symbol *sym = menu->sym; int type; tristate oldval, newval; const char *help; while (1) { printf("%*s%s ", indent - 1, "", menu->prompt->text); if (sym->name) printf("(%s) ", sym->name); type = sym_get_type(sym); putchar('['); oldval = sym_get_tristate_value(sym); switch (oldval) { case no: putchar('N'); break; case mod: putchar('M'); break; case yes: putchar('Y'); break; } if (oldval != no && sym_tristate_within_range(sym, no)) printf("/n"); if (oldval != mod && sym_tristate_within_range(sym, mod)) printf("/m"); if (oldval != yes && sym_tristate_within_range(sym, yes)) printf("/y"); if (sym->help) printf("/?"); printf("] "); conf_askvalue(sym, sym_get_string_value(sym)); strip(line); switch (line[0]) { case 'n': case 'N': newval = no; if (!line[1] || !strcmp(&line[1], "o")) break; continue; case 'm': case 'M': newval = mod; if (!line[1]) break; continue; case 'y': case 'Y': newval = yes; if (!line[1] || !strcmp(&line[1], "es")) break; continue; case 0: newval = oldval; break; case '?': goto help; default: continue; } if (sym_set_tristate_value(sym, newval)) return 0; help: help = nohelp_text; if (sym->help) help = sym->help; printf("\n%s\n", help); } } static int conf_choice(struct menu *menu) { struct symbol *sym, *def_sym; struct menu *child; int type; bool is_new; sym = menu->sym; type = sym_get_type(sym); is_new = !sym_has_value(sym); if (sym_is_changable(sym)) { conf_sym(menu); sym_calc_value(sym); switch (sym_get_tristate_value(sym)) { case no: return 1; case mod: return 0; case yes: break; } } else { switch (sym_get_tristate_value(sym)) { case no: return 1; case mod: printf("%*s%s\n", indent - 1, "", menu_get_prompt(menu)); return 0; case yes: break; } } while (1) { int cnt, def; printf("%*s%s\n", indent - 1, "", menu_get_prompt(menu)); def_sym = sym_get_choice_value(sym); cnt = def = 0; line[0] = '0'; line[1] = 0; for (child = menu->list; child; child = child->next) { if (!menu_is_visible(child)) continue; if (!child->sym) { printf("%*c %s\n", indent, '*', menu_get_prompt(child)); continue; } cnt++; if (child->sym == def_sym) { def = cnt; printf("%*c", indent, '>'); } else printf("%*c", indent, ' '); printf(" %d. %s", cnt, menu_get_prompt(child)); if (child->sym->name) printf(" (%s)", child->sym->name); if (!sym_has_value(child->sym)) printf(" (NEW)"); printf("\n"); } printf("%*schoice", indent - 1, ""); if (cnt == 1) { printf("[1]: 1\n"); goto conf_childs; } printf("[1-%d", cnt); if (sym->help) printf("?"); printf("]: "); switch (input_mode) { case ask_new: case ask_silent: if (!is_new) { cnt = def; printf("%d\n", cnt); break; } check_stdin(); case ask_all: fflush(stdout); fgets(line, 128, stdin); strip(line); if (line[0] == '?') { printf("\n%s\n", menu->sym->help ? menu->sym->help : nohelp_text); continue; } if (!line[0]) cnt = def; else if (isdigit(line[0])) cnt = atoi(line); else continue; break; case set_random: def = (random() % cnt) + 1; case set_default: case set_yes: case set_mod: case set_no: cnt = def; printf("%d\n", cnt); break; } conf_childs: for (child = menu->list; child; child = child->next) { if (!child->sym || !menu_is_visible(child)) continue; if (!--cnt) break; } if (!child) continue; if (line[strlen(line) - 1] == '?') { printf("\n%s\n", child->sym->help ? child->sym->help : nohelp_text); continue; } sym_set_choice_value(sym, child->sym); if (child->list) { indent += 2; conf(child->list); indent -= 2; } return 1; } } static void conf(struct menu *menu) { struct symbol *sym; struct property *prop; struct menu *child; if (!menu_is_visible(menu)) return; sym = menu->sym; prop = menu->prompt; if (prop) { const char *prompt; switch (prop->type) { case P_MENU: if (input_mode == ask_silent && rootEntry != menu) { check_conf(menu); return; } case P_COMMENT: prompt = menu_get_prompt(menu); if (prompt) printf("%*c\n%*c %s\n%*c\n", indent, '*', indent, '*', prompt, indent, '*'); default: ; } } if (!sym) goto conf_childs; if (sym_is_choice(sym)) { conf_choice(menu); if (sym->curr.tri != mod) return; goto conf_childs; } switch (sym->type) { case S_INT: case S_HEX: case S_STRING: conf_string(menu); break; default: conf_sym(menu); break; } conf_childs: if (sym) indent += 2; for (child = menu->list; child; child = child->next) conf(child); if (sym) indent -= 2; } static void check_conf(struct menu *menu) { struct symbol *sym; struct menu *child; if (!menu_is_visible(menu)) return; sym = menu->sym; if (sym && !sym_has_value(sym)) { if (sym_is_changable(sym) || (sym_is_choice(sym) && sym_get_tristate_value(sym) == yes)) { if (!conf_cnt++) printf(_("*\n* Restart config...\n*\n")); rootEntry = menu_get_parent_menu(menu); conf(rootEntry); } } for (child = menu->list; child; child = child->next) check_conf(child); } int main(int ac, char **av) { int i = 1; const char *name; struct stat tmpstat; if (ac > i && av[i][0] == '-') { switch (av[i++][1]) { case 'o': input_mode = ask_new; break; case 's': input_mode = ask_silent; valid_stdin = isatty(0) && isatty(1) && isatty(2); break; case 'd': input_mode = set_default; break; case 'D': input_mode = set_default; defconfig_file = av[i++]; if (!defconfig_file) { printf(_("%s: No default config file specified\n"), av[0]); exit(1); } break; case 'n': input_mode = set_no; break; case 'm': input_mode = set_mod; break; case 'y': input_mode = set_yes; break; case 'r': input_mode = set_random; srandom(time(NULL)); break; case 'h': case '?': printf("%s [-o|-s] config\n", av[0]); exit(0); } } name = av[i]; if (!name) { printf(_("%s: Kconfig file missing\n"), av[0]); } conf_parse(name); //zconfdump(stdout); switch (input_mode) { case set_default: if (!defconfig_file) defconfig_file = conf_get_default_confname(); if (conf_read(defconfig_file)) { printf("***\n" "*** Can't find default configuration \"%s\"!\n" "***\n", defconfig_file); exit(1); } break; case ask_silent: if (stat(".config", &tmpstat)) { printf(_("***\n" "*** You have not yet configured your kernel!\n" "***\n" "*** Please run some configurator (e.g. \"make oldconfig\" or\n" "*** \"make menuconfig\" or \"make xconfig\").\n" "***\n")); exit(1); } case ask_all: case ask_new: conf_read(NULL); break; default: break; } if (input_mode != ask_silent) { rootEntry = &rootmenu; conf(&rootmenu); if (input_mode == ask_all) { input_mode = ask_silent; valid_stdin = 1; } } do { conf_cnt = 0; check_conf(&rootmenu); } while (conf_cnt); if (conf_write(NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, _("\n*** Error during writing of the kernel configuration.\n\n")); return 1; } return 0; }