# Copyright (C) 2011, Marvell International Ltd. # # This software file (the "File") is distributed by Marvell International # Ltd. under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2, June 1991 # (the "License"). You may use, redistribute and/or modify this File in # accordance with the terms and conditions of the License, a copy of which # is available by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA or on the # worldwide web at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt. # # THE FILE IS DISTRIBUTED AS-IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, AND THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. The License provides additional details about # this warranty disclaimer. =============================================================================== U S E R M A N U A L 1) FOR DRIVER INSTALL a) Copy sd8787.bin to /lib/firmware/mrvl/ directory, create the directory if it doesn't exist. b) Install WLAN driver, insmod mwifiex.ko c) Uninstall WLAN driver, ifconfig mlanX down rmmod mwifiex 2) FOR DRIVER CONFIGURATION AND INFO The configurations can be done either using the 'iw' user space utility or debugfs. a) 'iw' utility commands Following are some useful iw commands:- iw dev mlan0 scan This command will trigger a scan. The command will then display the scan table entries iw dev mlan0 connect -w [] [] [key 0:abcde d:1123456789a] The above command can be used to connect to an AP with a particular SSID. Ap's operating frequency can be specified or even the bssid. If the AP is using WEP encryption, wep keys can be specified in the command. Note: Every time before connecting to an AP scan command (iw dev mlan0 scan) should be used by user. iw dev mlan0 disconnect This command will be used to disconnect from an AP. iw dev mlan0 ibss join [fixed-freq] [fixed-bssid] [key 0:abcde] The command will be used to join or create an ibss. Optionally, operating frequency, bssid and the security related parameters can be specified while joining/creating and ibss. iw dev mlan0 ibss leave The command will be used to leave an ibss network. iw dev mlan0 link The command will be used to get the connection status. The command will return parameters such as SSID, operating frequency, rx/tx packets, signal strength, tx bitrate. Apart from the iw utility all standard configurations using the 'iwconfig' utility are also supported. b) Debugfs interface The debugfs interface can be used for configurations and for getting some useful information from the driver. The section below explains the configurations that can be done. Mount debugfs to /debugfs mount point: mkdir /debugfs mount -t debugfs debugfs /debugfs The information is provided in /debugfs/mwifiex/mlanX/: iw reg set The command will be used to change the regulatory domain. iw reg get The command will be used to get current regulatory domain. info This command is used to get driver info. Usage: cat info driver_name = "mwifiex" driver_version = interface_name = "mlanX" bss_mode = "Ad-hoc" | "Managed" | "Auto" | "Unknown" media_state = "Disconnected" | "Connected" mac_address = <6-byte adapter MAC address> multicase_count = essid = bssid = channel = region_code = multicasr_address[n] = num_tx_bytes = num_rx_bytes = num_tx_pkts = num_rx_pkts = num_tx_pkts_dropped = num_rx_pkts_dropped = num_tx_pkts_err = num_rx_pkts_err = carrier "on" | "off" tx queue "stopped" | "started" The following debug info are provided in /debugfs/mwifiex/mlanX/debug: int_counter = wmm_ac_vo = wmm_ac_vi = wmm_ac_be = wmm_ac_bk = tx_buf_size = curr_tx_buf_size = ps_mode = <0/1, CAM mode/PS mode> ps_state = <0/1/2/3, full power state/awake state/pre-sleep state/sleep state> is_deep_sleep = <0/1, not deep sleep state/deep sleep state> wakeup_dev_req = <0/1, wakeup device not required/required> wakeup_tries = hs_configured = <0/1, host sleep not configured/configured> hs_activated = <0/1, extended host sleep not activated/activated> num_tx_timeout = is_cmd_timedout = <0/1 command timeout not occurred/occurred> timeout_cmd_id = timeout_cmd_act = last_cmd_id = last_cmd_act = last_cmd_index = <0 based last command index> last_cmd_resp_id = last_cmd_resp_index = <0 based last command response index> last_event = last_event_index = <0 based last event index> num_cmd_h2c_fail = num_cmd_sleep_cfm_fail = num_tx_h2c_fail = num_evt_deauth = num_evt_disassoc = num_evt_link_lost = num_cmd_deauth = num_cmd_assoc_ok = num_cmd_assoc_fail = cmd_sent = <0/1, send command resources available/sending command to device> data_sent = <0/1, send data resources available/sending data to device> mp_rd_bitmap = mp_wr_bitmap = cmd_resp_received = <0/1, no cmd response to process/response received and yet to process> event_received = <0/1, no event to process/event received and yet to process> cmd_pending = tx_pending = rx_pending = 3) FOR DRIVER CONFIGURATION regrdwr This command is used to read/write the adapter register. Usage: echo " [value]" > regrdwr cat regrdwr where the parameters are, : 1:MAC/SOC, 2:BBP, 3:RF, 4:PMIC, 5:CAU : offset of register [value]: value to be written Examples: echo "1 0xa060" > regrdwr : Read the MAC register echo "1 0xa060 0x12" > regrdwr : Write the MAC register echo "1 0xa794 0x80000000" > regrdwr : Write 0x80000000 to MAC register rdeeprom This command is used to read the EEPROM contents of the card. Usage: echo " " > rdeeprom cat rdeeprom where the parameters are, : multiples of 4 : 4-20, multiples of 4 Example: echo "0 20" > rdeeprom : Read 20 bytes of EEPROM data from offset 0 getlog This command is used to get the statistics available in the station. Usage: cat getlog ===============================================================================