/* * (C) Copyright 2002 * Rich Ireland, Enterasys Networks, rireland@enterasys.com. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ #include #ifndef _ALTERA_H_ #define _ALTERA_H_ enum altera_iface { /* insert all new types after this */ min_altera_iface_type, /* serial data and external clock */ passive_serial, /* parallel data */ passive_parallel_synchronous, /* parallel data */ passive_parallel_asynchronous, /* serial data w/ internal clock (not used) */ passive_serial_asynchronous, /* jtag/tap serial (not used ) */ altera_jtag_mode, /* fast passive parallel (FPP) */ fast_passive_parallel, /* fast passive parallel with security (FPPS) */ fast_passive_parallel_security, /* insert all new types before this */ max_altera_iface_type, }; enum altera_family { /* insert all new types after this */ min_altera_type, /* ACEX1K Family */ Altera_ACEX1K, /* CYCLONII Family */ Altera_CYC2, /* StratixII Family */ Altera_StratixII, /* Add new models here */ /* insert all new types before this */ max_altera_type, }; typedef struct { /* part type */ enum altera_family family; /* interface type */ enum altera_iface iface; /* bytes of data part can accept */ size_t size; /* interface function table */ void *iface_fns; /* base interface address */ void *base; /* implementation specific cookie */ int cookie; } Altera_desc; /* Generic Altera Functions *********************************************************************/ extern int altera_load(Altera_desc *desc, const void *image, size_t size); extern int altera_dump(Altera_desc *desc, const void *buf, size_t bsize); extern int altera_info(Altera_desc *desc); /* Board specific implementation specific function types *********************************************************************/ typedef int (*Altera_pre_fn)( int cookie ); typedef int (*Altera_config_fn)( int assert_config, int flush, int cookie ); typedef int (*Altera_status_fn)( int cookie ); typedef int (*Altera_done_fn)( int cookie ); typedef int (*Altera_clk_fn)( int assert_clk, int flush, int cookie ); typedef int (*Altera_data_fn)( int assert_data, int flush, int cookie ); typedef int(*Altera_write_fn)(const void *buf, size_t len, int flush, int cookie); typedef int (*Altera_abort_fn)( int cookie ); typedef int (*Altera_post_fn)( int cookie ); typedef struct { Altera_pre_fn pre; Altera_config_fn config; Altera_status_fn status; Altera_done_fn done; Altera_clk_fn clk; Altera_data_fn data; Altera_abort_fn abort; Altera_post_fn post; } altera_board_specific_func; #endif /* _ALTERA_H_ */