path: root/drivers
diff options
authorPekka Enberg <>2008-10-30 17:04:52 (GMT)
committerGreg Kroah-Hartman <>2009-01-06 21:51:51 (GMT)
commita22517fec0b13b5813932a3583a2b11a2ee17f5d (patch)
treee26c83e847f2ce3a1ed26492e74c471476dc5844 /drivers
parent7cd5613fdfdbc51ea848fac1617d34a1711fae5e (diff)
Staging: w35und: remove dead code from mto.c
Remove lots of code that's never used. Acked-by: Pavel Machek <> Signed-off-by: Pekka Enberg <> Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
Diffstat (limited to 'drivers')
2 files changed, 2 insertions, 648 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/staging/winbond/mto.c b/drivers/staging/winbond/mto.c
index 612a95c..de11a05 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/winbond/mto.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/winbond/mto.c
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
// Declare SQ3 to rate and fragmentation threshold table
// Declare fragmentation thresholds table
-#define MTO_MAX_SQ3_LEVELS 14
@@ -38,180 +37,15 @@ u16 MTO_Frag_Th_Tbl[MTO_MAX_FRAG_TH_LEVELS] =
256, 384, 512, 768, 1536
- 0, 26, 30, 32, 34, 35, 37, 42, 44, 46, 54, 62, 78, 81
- 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
- 0, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
-// One Exchange Time table
- { 2554, 1474, 822, 0, 0, 636, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- { 3578, 1986, 1009, 0, 0, 729, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- { 4602, 2498, 1195, 0, 0, 822, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- { 6650, 3522, 1567, 0, 0, 1009, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {12794, 6594, 2684, 0, 0, 1567, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
- { 0, 1282, 630, 404, 288, 444, 232, 172, 144, 116, 100, 96},
- { 0, 1794, 817, 572, 400, 537, 316, 228, 188, 144, 124, 116},
- { 0, 2306, 1003, 744, 516, 630, 400, 288, 228, 172, 144, 136},
- { 0, 3330, 1375, 1084, 744, 817, 572, 400, 316, 228, 188, 172},
- { 0, 6402, 2492, 2108, 1424, 1375, 1084, 740, 572, 400, 316, 284}
-#define MTO_ONE_EXCHANGE_TIME(preamble_type, frag_th_lvl, data_rate_lvl) \
- (preamble_type) ? MTO_One_Exchange_Time_Tbl_s[frag_th_lvl][data_rate_lvl] : \
- MTO_One_Exchange_Time_Tbl_l[frag_th_lvl][data_rate_lvl]
// Declare data rate table
//The following table will be changed at anytime if the opration rate supported by AP don't
//match the table
+static u8 MTO_Data_Rate_Tbl[MTO_MAX_DATA_RATE_LEVELS] = {
2, 4, 11, 22, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72, 96, 108
-//The Stardard_Data_Rate_Tbl and Level2PerTbl table is used to indirectly retreive PER
-//information from Rate_PER_TBL
-//The default settings is AP can support full rate set.
-static u8 Stardard_Data_Rate_Tbl[MTO_MAX_DATA_RATE_LEVELS] =
- 2, 4, 11, 22, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72, 96, 108
-static u8 Level2PerTbl[MTO_MAX_DATA_RATE_LEVELS] =
- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
-//How many kind of tx rate can be supported by AP
-//DTO will change Rate between MTO_Data_Rate_Tbl[0] and MTO_Data_Rate_Tbl[MTO_DataRateAvailableLevel-1]
-static u8 MTO_DataRateAvailableLevel = MTO_MAX_DATA_RATE_LEVELS;
-//Smoothed PER table for each different RATE based on packet length of 1514
-static int Rate_PER_TBL[91][MTO_MAX_DATA_RATE_LEVELS] = {
-// 1M 2M 5.5M 11M 6M 9M 12M 18M 24M 36M 48M 54M
-/* 0% */{ 93, 177, 420, 538, 690, 774, 1001, 1401, 1768, 2358, 2838, 3039},
-/* 1% */{ 92, 176, 416, 533, 683, 767, 992, 1389, 1752, 2336, 2811, 3010},
-/* 2% */{ 91, 174, 412, 528, 675, 760, 983, 1376, 1735, 2313, 2783, 2979},
-/* 3% */{ 90, 172, 407, 523, 667, 753, 973, 1363, 1719, 2290, 2755, 2948},
-/* 4% */{ 90, 170, 403, 518, 659, 746, 964, 1350, 1701, 2266, 2726, 2916},
-/* 5% */{ 89, 169, 398, 512, 651, 738, 954, 1336, 1684, 2242, 2696, 2884},
-/* 6% */{ 88, 167, 394, 507, 643, 731, 944, 1322, 1666, 2217, 2665, 2851},
-/* 7% */{ 87, 165, 389, 502, 635, 723, 935, 1308, 1648, 2192, 2634, 2817},
-/* 8% */{ 86, 163, 384, 497, 626, 716, 924, 1294, 1629, 2166, 2602, 2782},
-/* 9% */{ 85, 161, 380, 491, 618, 708, 914, 1279, 1611, 2140, 2570, 2747},
-/* 10% */{ 84, 160, 375, 486, 609, 700, 904, 1265, 1591, 2113, 2537, 2711},
-/* 11% */{ 83, 158, 370, 480, 600, 692, 894, 1250, 1572, 2086, 2503, 2675},
-/* 12% */{ 82, 156, 365, 475, 592, 684, 883, 1234, 1552, 2059, 2469, 2638},
-/* 13% */{ 81, 154, 360, 469, 583, 676, 872, 1219, 1532, 2031, 2435, 2600},
-/* 14% */{ 80, 152, 355, 464, 574, 668, 862, 1204, 1512, 2003, 2400, 2562},
-/* 15% */{ 79, 150, 350, 458, 565, 660, 851, 1188, 1492, 1974, 2365, 2524},
-/* 16% */{ 78, 148, 345, 453, 556, 652, 840, 1172, 1471, 1945, 2329, 2485},
-/* 17% */{ 77, 146, 340, 447, 547, 643, 829, 1156, 1450, 1916, 2293, 2446},
-/* 18% */{ 76, 144, 335, 441, 538, 635, 818, 1140, 1429, 1887, 2256, 2406},
-/* 19% */{ 75, 143, 330, 436, 529, 627, 807, 1124, 1408, 1857, 2219, 2366},
-/* 20% */{ 74, 141, 325, 430, 520, 618, 795, 1107, 1386, 1827, 2182, 2326},
-/* 21% */{ 73, 139, 320, 424, 510, 610, 784, 1091, 1365, 1797, 2145, 2285},
-/* 22% */{ 72, 137, 314, 418, 501, 601, 772, 1074, 1343, 1766, 2107, 2244},
-/* 23% */{ 71, 135, 309, 412, 492, 592, 761, 1057, 1321, 1736, 2069, 2203},
-/* 24% */{ 70, 133, 304, 407, 482, 584, 749, 1040, 1299, 1705, 2031, 2161},
-/* 25% */{ 69, 131, 299, 401, 473, 575, 738, 1023, 1277, 1674, 1992, 2120},
-/* 26% */{ 68, 129, 293, 395, 464, 566, 726, 1006, 1254, 1642, 1953, 2078},
-/* 27% */{ 67, 127, 288, 389, 454, 557, 714, 989, 1232, 1611, 1915, 2035},
-/* 28% */{ 66, 125, 283, 383, 445, 549, 703, 972, 1209, 1579, 1876, 1993},
-/* 29% */{ 65, 123, 278, 377, 436, 540, 691, 955, 1187, 1548, 1836, 1951},
-/* 30% */{ 64, 121, 272, 371, 426, 531, 679, 937, 1164, 1516, 1797, 1908},
-/* 31% */{ 63, 119, 267, 365, 417, 522, 667, 920, 1141, 1484, 1758, 1866},
-/* 32% */{ 62, 117, 262, 359, 407, 513, 655, 902, 1118, 1453, 1719, 1823},
-/* 33% */{ 61, 115, 256, 353, 398, 504, 643, 885, 1095, 1421, 1679, 1781},
-/* 34% */{ 60, 113, 251, 347, 389, 495, 631, 867, 1072, 1389, 1640, 1738},
-/* 35% */{ 59, 111, 246, 341, 379, 486, 619, 850, 1049, 1357, 1600, 1695},
-/* 36% */{ 58, 108, 240, 335, 370, 477, 607, 832, 1027, 1325, 1561, 1653},
-/* 37% */{ 57, 106, 235, 329, 361, 468, 595, 815, 1004, 1293, 1522, 1610},
-/* 38% */{ 56, 104, 230, 323, 351, 459, 584, 797, 981, 1261, 1483, 1568},
-/* 39% */{ 55, 102, 224, 317, 342, 450, 572, 780, 958, 1230, 1443, 1526},
-/* 40% */{ 54, 100, 219, 311, 333, 441, 560, 762, 935, 1198, 1404, 1484},
-/* 41% */{ 53, 98, 214, 305, 324, 432, 548, 744, 912, 1166, 1366, 1442},
-/* 42% */{ 52, 96, 209, 299, 315, 423, 536, 727, 889, 1135, 1327, 1400},
-/* 43% */{ 51, 94, 203, 293, 306, 414, 524, 709, 866, 1104, 1289, 1358},
-/* 44% */{ 50, 92, 198, 287, 297, 405, 512, 692, 844, 1072, 1250, 1317},
-/* 45% */{ 49, 90, 193, 281, 288, 396, 500, 675, 821, 1041, 1212, 1276},
-/* 46% */{ 48, 88, 188, 275, 279, 387, 488, 657, 799, 1011, 1174, 1236},
-/* 47% */{ 47, 86, 183, 269, 271, 378, 476, 640, 777, 980, 1137, 1195},
-/* 48% */{ 46, 84, 178, 262, 262, 369, 464, 623, 754, 949, 1100, 1155},
-/* 49% */{ 45, 82, 173, 256, 254, 360, 452, 606, 732, 919, 1063, 1116},
-/* 50% */{ 44, 80, 168, 251, 245, 351, 441, 589, 710, 889, 1026, 1076},
-/* 51% */{ 43, 78, 163, 245, 237, 342, 429, 572, 689, 860, 990, 1038},
-/* 52% */{ 42, 76, 158, 239, 228, 333, 417, 555, 667, 830, 955, 999},
-/* 53% */{ 41, 74, 153, 233, 220, 324, 406, 538, 645, 801, 919, 961},
-/* 54% */{ 40, 72, 148, 227, 212, 315, 394, 522, 624, 773, 884, 924},
-/* 55% */{ 39, 70, 143, 221, 204, 307, 383, 505, 603, 744, 850, 887},
-/* 56% */{ 38, 68, 138, 215, 196, 298, 371, 489, 582, 716, 816, 851},
-/* 57% */{ 37, 67, 134, 209, 189, 289, 360, 473, 562, 688, 783, 815},
-/* 58% */{ 36, 65, 129, 203, 181, 281, 349, 457, 541, 661, 750, 780},
-/* 59% */{ 35, 63, 124, 197, 174, 272, 338, 441, 521, 634, 717, 745},
-/* 60% */{ 34, 61, 120, 192, 166, 264, 327, 425, 501, 608, 686, 712},
-/* 61% */{ 33, 59, 115, 186, 159, 255, 316, 409, 482, 582, 655, 678},
-/* 62% */{ 32, 57, 111, 180, 152, 247, 305, 394, 462, 556, 624, 646},
-/* 63% */{ 31, 55, 107, 174, 145, 238, 294, 379, 443, 531, 594, 614},
-/* 64% */{ 30, 53, 102, 169, 138, 230, 283, 364, 425, 506, 565, 583},
-/* 65% */{ 29, 52, 98, 163, 132, 222, 273, 349, 406, 482, 536, 553},
-/* 66% */{ 28, 50, 94, 158, 125, 214, 262, 334, 388, 459, 508, 523},
-/* 67% */{ 27, 48, 90, 152, 119, 206, 252, 320, 370, 436, 481, 495},
-/* 68% */{ 26, 46, 86, 147, 113, 198, 242, 306, 353, 413, 455, 467},
-/* 69% */{ 26, 44, 82, 141, 107, 190, 231, 292, 336, 391, 429, 440},
-/* 70% */{ 25, 43, 78, 136, 101, 182, 221, 278, 319, 370, 405, 414},
-/* 71% */{ 24, 41, 74, 130, 95, 174, 212, 265, 303, 350, 381, 389},
-/* 72% */{ 23, 39, 71, 125, 90, 167, 202, 252, 287, 329, 358, 365},
-/* 73% */{ 22, 37, 67, 119, 85, 159, 192, 239, 271, 310, 335, 342},
-/* 74% */{ 21, 36, 63, 114, 80, 151, 183, 226, 256, 291, 314, 320},
-/* 75% */{ 20, 34, 60, 109, 75, 144, 174, 214, 241, 273, 294, 298},
-/* 76% */{ 19, 32, 57, 104, 70, 137, 164, 202, 227, 256, 274, 278},
-/* 77% */{ 18, 31, 53, 99, 66, 130, 155, 190, 213, 239, 256, 259},
-/* 78% */{ 17, 29, 50, 94, 62, 122, 146, 178, 200, 223, 238, 241},
-/* 79% */{ 16, 28, 47, 89, 58, 115, 138, 167, 187, 208, 222, 225},
-/* 80% */{ 16, 26, 44, 84, 54, 109, 129, 156, 175, 194, 206, 209},
-/* 81% */{ 15, 24, 41, 79, 50, 102, 121, 146, 163, 180, 192, 194},
-/* 82% */{ 14, 23, 39, 74, 47, 95, 113, 136, 151, 167, 178, 181},
-/* 83% */{ 13, 21, 36, 69, 44, 89, 105, 126, 140, 155, 166, 169},
-/* 84% */{ 12, 20, 33, 64, 41, 82, 97, 116, 130, 144, 155, 158},
-/* 85% */{ 11, 19, 31, 60, 39, 76, 89, 107, 120, 134, 145, 149},
-/* 86% */{ 11, 17, 29, 55, 36, 70, 82, 98, 110, 125, 136, 140},
-/* 87% */{ 10, 16, 26, 51, 34, 64, 75, 90, 102, 116, 128, 133},
-/* 88% */{ 9, 14, 24, 46, 32, 58, 68, 81, 93, 108, 121, 128},
-/* 89% */{ 8, 13, 22, 42, 31, 52, 61, 74, 86, 102, 116, 124},
-/* 90% */{ 7, 12, 21, 37, 29, 46, 54, 66, 79, 96, 112, 121}
-#define RSSIBUF_NUM 10
-#define RSSI2RATE_SIZE 9
-static TXRETRY_REC TxRateRec={MTO_MAX_DATA_RATE_LEVELS - 1, 0}; //new record=>TxRateRec
-static int TxRetryRate;
-static s32 RSSIBuf[RSSIBUF_NUM]={-70, -70, -70, -70, -70, -70, -70, -70, -70, -70};
-static s32 RSSISmoothed=-700;
-static int RSSIBufIndex=0;
-static u8 max_rssi_rate;
-static int rate_tbl[13] = {0,1,2,5,11,6,9,12,18,24,36,48,54};
-//[WKCHEN]static core_data_t *pMTOcore_data=NULL;
static int TotalTxPkt = 0;
static int TotalTxPktRetry = 0;
-static int TxPktPerAnt[3] = {0,0,0};
-static int TxPktRetryPerAnt[3] = {0,0,0};
-//static int TxDominateFlag=false;
-static u8 old_antenna[4]={1 ,0 ,1 ,0};
static int retryrate_rec[MTO_MAX_DATA_RATE_LEVELS];//this record the retry rate at different data rate
static int PeriodTotalTxPkt = 0;
@@ -223,123 +57,14 @@ typedef struct
u8 TxRate;
- {-740, 108}, // 54M
- {-760, 96}, // 48M
- {-820, 72}, // 36M
- {-850, 48}, // 24M
- {-870, 36}, // 18M
- {-890, 24}, // 12M
- {-900, 12}, // 6M
- {-920, 11}, // 5.5M
- {-950, 4}, // 2M
-static u8 last_rate_ant; //this is used for antenna backoff-hh
-u8 boSparseTxTraffic = false;
+static u8 boSparseTxTraffic = false;
-void GetFreshAntennaData(MTO_FUNC_INPUT);
void TxRateReductionCtrl(MTO_FUNC_INPUT);
/** Turbo modify */
-//void MTO_SetDTORateRange(int type);
-void MTO_SetDTORateRange(MTO_FUNC_INPUT, u8 *pRateArray, u8 ArraySize);
void MTO_SetTxCount(MTO_FUNC_INPUT, u8 t0, u8 index);
void MTO_TxFailed(MTO_FUNC_INPUT);
-void SmoothRSSI(s32 new_rssi);
void hal_get_dto_para(MTO_FUNC_INPUT, char *buffer);
-u8 CalcNewRate(MTO_FUNC_INPUT, u8 old_rate, u32 retry_cnt, u32 tx_frag_cnt);
-u8 GetMaxRateLevelFromRSSI(void);
-u8 MTO_GetTxFallbackRate(MTO_FUNC_INPUT);
-int Divide(int a, int b);
-// MTO_Init --
-// Description:
-// Set DTO Tx Rate Scope because different AP could have different Rate set.
-// After our staion join with AP, LM core will call this function to initialize
-// Tx Rate table.
-// Arguments:
-// pRateArray - The pointer to the Tx Rate Array by the following order
-// - 2, 4, 11, 22, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72, 96, 108
-// - DTO won't check whether rate order is invalid or not
-// ArraySize - The array size to indicate how many tx rate we can choose
-// sample code:
-// {
-// u8 RateArray[4] = {2, 4, 11, 22};
-// MTO_SetDTORateRange(RateArray, 4);
-// }
-// Return Value:
-// None
-void MTO_SetDTORateRange(MTO_FUNC_INPUT,u8 *pRateArray, u8 ArraySize)
- u8 i, j=0;
- for(i=0;i<ArraySize;i++)
- {
- if(pRateArray[i] == 22)
- break;
- }
- if(i < ArraySize) //we need adjust the order of rate list because 11Mbps rate exists
- {
- for(;i>0;i--)
- {
- if(pRateArray[i-1] <= 11)
- break;
- pRateArray[i] = pRateArray[i-1];
- }
- pRateArray[i] = 22;
- }
- else
- {
- for(i=0; i<ArraySize; i++)
- {
- if (pRateArray[i] >= 12)
- break;
- }
- }
- for(i=0;i<ArraySize;i++)
- {
- MTO_Data_Rate_Tbl[i] = pRateArray[i];
- {
- if(Stardard_Data_Rate_Tbl[j] == pRateArray[i])
- break;
- }
- Level2PerTbl[i] = j;
- #ifdef _PE_DTO_DUMP_
- WBDEBUG(("[MTO]:Op Rate[%d]: %d\n",i, MTO_Data_Rate_Tbl[i]));
- #endif
- }
- MTO_DataRateAvailableLevel = ArraySize;
- if( MTO_DATA().RatePolicy ) // 0 means that no registry setting
- {
- if( MTO_DATA().RatePolicy == 1 )
- TxRateRec.tx_rate = 0; //ascent
- else
- TxRateRec.tx_rate = MTO_DataRateAvailableLevel -1 ; //descent
- }
- else
- {
- TxRateRec.tx_rate = 0; //ascent
- else
- TxRateRec.tx_rate = MTO_DataRateAvailableLevel -1 ; //descent
- }
- TxRateRec.tx_retry_rate = 0;
- //set default rate for initial use
- MTO_RATE_LEVEL() = TxRateRec.tx_rate;
// MTO_Init --
@@ -399,7 +124,6 @@ void MTO_Init(MTO_FUNC_INPUT)
//MTO_RATE_LEVEL() = 10;
/** Turbo modify from -1 to +1
@@ -467,340 +191,6 @@ void MTO_Init(MTO_FUNC_INPUT)
MTO_DATA().RSSI_low = -60;
-static u32 DTO_Rx_Info[13][3];
-static u32 DTO_RxCRCFail_Info[13][3];
-static u32 AntennaToggleBkoffTimer=5;
-typedef struct{
- int RxRate;
- int RxRatePkts;
- int index;
-RXRATE_ANT RxRatePeakAnt[3];
-#define ANT0 0
-#define ANT1 1
-#define OLD_ANT 2
-void SearchPeakRxRate(int index)
- int i;
- RxRatePeakAnt[index].RxRatePkts=0;
- //Find out the best rx rate which is used on different antenna
- for(i=1;i<13;i++)
- {
- if(DTO_Rx_Info[i][index] > (u32) RxRatePeakAnt[index].RxRatePkts)
- {
- RxRatePeakAnt[index].RxRatePkts = DTO_Rx_Info[i][index];
- RxRatePeakAnt[index].RxRate = rate_tbl[i];
- RxRatePeakAnt[index].index = i;
- }
- }
-void ResetDTO_RxInfo(int index, MTO_FUNC_INPUT)
- int i;
- #ifdef _PE_DTO_DUMP_
- WBDEBUG(("ResetDTOrx\n"));
- #endif
- for(i=0;i<13;i++)
- DTO_Rx_Info[i][index] = MTO_HAL()->rx_ok_count[i];
- for(i=0;i<13;i++)
- DTO_RxCRCFail_Info[i][index] = MTO_HAL()->rx_err_count[i];
- TotalTxPkt = 0;
- TotalTxPktRetry = 0;
-void GetDTO_RxInfo(int index, MTO_FUNC_INPUT)
- int i;
- #ifdef _PE_DTO_DUMP_
- WBDEBUG(("GetDTOrx\n"));
- #endif
- //PDEBUG(("[MTO]:DTO_Rx_Info[%d]=%d, rx_ok_count=%d\n", index, DTO_Rx_Info[0][index], phw_data->rx_ok_count[0]));
- for(i=0;i<13;i++)
- DTO_Rx_Info[i][index] = abs(MTO_HAL()->rx_ok_count[i] - DTO_Rx_Info[i][index]);
- if(DTO_Rx_Info[0][index]==0) DTO_Rx_Info[0][index] = 1;
- for(i=0;i<13;i++)
- DTO_RxCRCFail_Info[i][index] = MTO_HAL()->rx_err_count[i] - DTO_RxCRCFail_Info[i][index];
- TxPktPerAnt[index] = TotalTxPkt;
- TxPktRetryPerAnt[index] = TotalTxPktRetry;
- TotalTxPkt = 0;
- TotalTxPktRetry = 0;
-unsigned char TxDominate(int index)
- int tmp;
- tmp = TxPktPerAnt[index] + DTO_Rx_Info[0][index];
- if(Divide(TxPktPerAnt[index]*100, tmp) > 40)
- return true;
- else
- return false;
-unsigned char CmpTxRetryRate(int index1, int index2)
- int tx_retry_rate1, tx_retry_rate2;
- tx_retry_rate1 = Divide((TxPktRetryPerAnt[index1] - TxPktPerAnt[index1])*100, TxPktRetryPerAnt[index1]);
- tx_retry_rate2 = Divide((TxPktRetryPerAnt[index2] - TxPktPerAnt[index2])*100, TxPktRetryPerAnt[index2]);
- #ifdef _PE_DTO_DUMP_
- WBDEBUG(("[MTO]:TxRetry Ant0: (%d%%) Ant1: (%d%%) \n ", tx_retry_rate1, tx_retry_rate2));
- #endif
- if(tx_retry_rate1 > tx_retry_rate2)
- return true;
- else
- return false;
-void GetFreshAntennaData(MTO_FUNC_INPUT)
- u8 x;
- x = hal_get_antenna_number(MTO_HAL());
- //hal_get_bss_pk_cnt(MTO_HAL());
- //hal_get_est_sq3(MTO_HAL(), 1);
- old_antenna[0] = x;
- //if this is the function for timer
- if(AntennaToggleBkoffTimer)
- AntennaToggleBkoffTimer--;
- if (abs(last_rate_ant-MTO_RATE_LEVEL())>1) //backoff timer reset
- AntennaToggleBkoffTimer=0;
- AntennaToggleBkoffTimer=1;
- #ifdef _PE_DTO_DUMP_
- WBDEBUG(("[HHDTO]:**last data rate=%d,now data rate=%d**antenna toggle timer=%d",last_rate_ant,MTO_RATE_LEVEL(),AntennaToggleBkoffTimer));
- #endif
- last_rate_ant=MTO_RATE_LEVEL();
- if(AntennaToggleBkoffTimer==0)
- {
- #ifdef _PE_DTO_DUMP_
- WBDEBUG(("[HHDTO]:===state is starting==for antenna toggle==="));
- #endif
- }
- else
- if ((MTO_BACKOFF_TMR()!=0)&&(MTO_RATE_LEVEL()>MTO_DataRateAvailableLevel - 3))
- {
- #ifdef _PE_DTO_DUMP_
- WBDEBUG(("[HHDTO]:===the data rate is %d (good)and will not toogle ===",MTO_DATA_RATE()>>1));
- #endif
- }
-int WB_PCR[2]; //packet correct rate
-u8 CalcNewRate(MTO_FUNC_INPUT, u8 old_rate, u32 retry_cnt, u32 tx_frag_cnt)
- int i;
- u8 new_rate;
- u32 retry_rate;
- int TxThrouput1, TxThrouput2, TxThrouput3, BestThroupht;
- if(tx_frag_cnt < MTOPARA_TXCOUNT_TH_FOR_CALC_RATE()) //too few packets transmit
- {
- return 0xff;
- }
- retry_rate = Divide(retry_cnt * 100, tx_frag_cnt);
- if(retry_rate > 90) retry_rate = 90; //always truncate to 90% due to lookup table size
- #ifdef _PE_DTO_DUMP_
- WBDEBUG(("##### Current level =%d, Retry count =%d, Frag count =%d\n",
- old_rate, retry_cnt, tx_frag_cnt));
- WBDEBUG(("*##* Retry rate =%d, throughput =%d\n",
- retry_rate, Rate_PER_TBL[retry_rate][old_rate]));
- WBDEBUG(("TxRateRec.tx_rate =%d, Retry rate = %d, throughput = %d\n",
- TxRateRec.tx_rate, TxRateRec.tx_retry_rate,
- Rate_PER_TBL[TxRateRec.tx_retry_rate][Level2PerTbl[TxRateRec.tx_rate]]));
- WBDEBUG(("old_rate-1 =%d, Retry rate = %d, throughput = %d\n",
- old_rate-1, retryrate_rec[old_rate-1],
- Rate_PER_TBL[retryrate_rec[old_rate-1]][old_rate-1]));
- WBDEBUG(("old_rate+1 =%d, Retry rate = %d, throughput = %d\n",
- old_rate+1, retryrate_rec[old_rate+1],
- Rate_PER_TBL[retryrate_rec[old_rate+1]][old_rate+1]));
- #endif
- //following is for record the retry rate at the different data rate
- if (abs(retry_rate-retryrate_rec[old_rate])<50)//---the per TH
- retryrate_rec[old_rate] = retry_rate; //update retry rate
- else
- {
- for (i=0;i<MTO_DataRateAvailableLevel;i++) //reset all retry rate
- retryrate_rec[i]=0;
- retryrate_rec[old_rate] = retry_rate;
- #ifdef _PE_DTO_DUMP_
- WBDEBUG(("Reset retry rate table\n"));
- #endif
- }
- if(TxRateRec.tx_rate > old_rate) //Decrease Tx Rate
- {
- TxThrouput1 = Rate_PER_TBL[TxRateRec.tx_retry_rate][Level2PerTbl[TxRateRec.tx_rate]];
- TxThrouput2 = Rate_PER_TBL[retry_rate][Level2PerTbl[old_rate]];
- if(TxThrouput1 > TxThrouput2)
- {
- new_rate = TxRateRec.tx_rate;
- BestThroupht = TxThrouput1;
- }
- else
- {
- new_rate = old_rate;
- BestThroupht = TxThrouput2;
- }
- if((old_rate > 0) &&(retry_rate>MTOPARA_TXRATE_DEC_TH())) //Min Rate
- {
- TxThrouput3 = Rate_PER_TBL[retryrate_rec[old_rate-1]][Level2PerTbl[old_rate-1]];
- if(BestThroupht < TxThrouput3)
- {
- new_rate = old_rate - 1;
- #ifdef _PE_DTO_DUMP_
- WBDEBUG(("--------\n"));
- #endif
- BestThroupht = TxThrouput3;
- }
- }
- }
- else if(TxRateRec.tx_rate < old_rate) //Increase Tx Rate
- {
- TxThrouput1 = Rate_PER_TBL[TxRateRec.tx_retry_rate][Level2PerTbl[TxRateRec.tx_rate]];
- TxThrouput2 = Rate_PER_TBL[retry_rate][Level2PerTbl[old_rate]];
- if(TxThrouput1 > TxThrouput2)
- {
- new_rate = TxRateRec.tx_rate;
- BestThroupht = TxThrouput1;
- }
- else
- {
- new_rate = old_rate;
- BestThroupht = TxThrouput2;
- }
- if ((old_rate < MTO_DataRateAvailableLevel - 1)&&(retry_rate<MTOPARA_TXRATE_INC_TH()))
- {
- //TxThrouput3 = Rate_PER_TBL[retryrate_rec[old_rate+1]][Level2PerTbl[old_rate+1]];
- if (retryrate_rec[old_rate+1] > MTOPARA_TXRETRYRATE_REDUCE())
- TxThrouput3 = Rate_PER_TBL[retryrate_rec[old_rate+1]-MTOPARA_TXRETRYRATE_REDUCE()][Level2PerTbl[old_rate+1]];
- else
- TxThrouput3 = Rate_PER_TBL[retryrate_rec[old_rate+1]][Level2PerTbl[old_rate+1]];
- if(BestThroupht < TxThrouput3)
- {
- new_rate = old_rate + 1;
- #ifdef _PE_DTO_DUMP_
- WBDEBUG(("++++++++++\n"));
- #endif
- BestThroupht = TxThrouput3;
- }
- }
- }
- else //Tx Rate no change
- {
- TxThrouput2 = Rate_PER_TBL[retry_rate][Level2PerTbl[old_rate]];
- new_rate = old_rate;
- BestThroupht = TxThrouput2;
- if (retry_rate <MTOPARA_TXRATE_EQ_TH()) //th for change higher rate
- {
- if(old_rate < MTO_DataRateAvailableLevel - 1)
- {
- //TxThrouput3 = Rate_PER_TBL[retryrate_rec[old_rate+1]][Level2PerTbl[old_rate+1]];
- if (retryrate_rec[old_rate+1] > MTOPARA_TXRETRYRATE_REDUCE())
- TxThrouput3 = Rate_PER_TBL[retryrate_rec[old_rate+1]-MTOPARA_TXRETRYRATE_REDUCE()][Level2PerTbl[old_rate+1]];
- else
- TxThrouput3 = Rate_PER_TBL[retryrate_rec[old_rate+1]][Level2PerTbl[old_rate+1]];
- if(BestThroupht < TxThrouput3)
- {
- new_rate = old_rate + 1;
- BestThroupht = TxThrouput3;
- #ifdef _PE_DTO_DUMP_
- WBDEBUG(("=++++++++++\n"));
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- else
- if(old_rate > 0) //Min Rate
- {
- TxThrouput3 = Rate_PER_TBL[retryrate_rec[old_rate-1]][Level2PerTbl[old_rate-1]];
- if(BestThroupht < TxThrouput3)
- {
- new_rate = old_rate - 1;
- #ifdef _PE_DTO_DUMP_
- WBDEBUG(("=--------\n"));
- #endif
- BestThroupht = TxThrouput3;
- }
- }
- }
- {
- max_rssi_rate = GetMaxRateLevelFromRSSI();
- #ifdef _PE_DTO_DUMP_
- WBDEBUG(("[MTO]:RSSI2Rate=%d\n", MTO_Data_Rate_Tbl[max_rssi_rate]));
- #endif
- if(new_rate > max_rssi_rate)
- new_rate = max_rssi_rate;
- }
- //save new rate;
- TxRateRec.tx_rate = old_rate;
- TxRateRec.tx_retry_rate = (u8) retry_rate;
- TxRetryRate = retry_rate;
- return new_rate;
-void SmoothRSSI(s32 new_rssi)
- RSSISmoothed = RSSISmoothed + new_rssi - RSSIBuf[RSSIBufIndex];
- RSSIBuf[RSSIBufIndex] = new_rssi;
- RSSIBufIndex = (RSSIBufIndex + 1) % 10;
-u8 GetMaxRateLevelFromRSSI(void)
- u8 i;
- u8 TxRate;
- for(i=0;i<RSSI2RATE_SIZE;i++)
- {
- if(RSSISmoothed > RSSI2RateTbl[i].RSSI)
- break;
- }
- #ifdef _PE_DTO_DUMP_
- WBDEBUG(("[MTO]:RSSI=%d\n", Divide(RSSISmoothed, 10)));
- #endif
- if(i < RSSI2RATE_SIZE)
- TxRate = RSSI2RateTbl[i].TxRate;
- else
- TxRate = 2; //divided by 2 = 1Mbps
- for(i=MTO_DataRateAvailableLevel-1;i>0;i--)
- {
- if(TxRate >=MTO_Data_Rate_Tbl[i])
- break;
- }
- return i;
// Description:
// If we enable DTO, we will ignore the tx count with different tx rate from
@@ -862,36 +252,3 @@ void MTO_SetTxCount(MTO_FUNC_INPUT, u8 tx_rate, u8 index)
PeriodTotalTxPkt ++;
PeriodTotalTxPktRetry += (index+1);
-u8 MTO_GetTxFallbackRate(MTO_FUNC_INPUT)
-// MTO_TxFailed --
-// Description:
-// Failure of transmitting a packet indicates that certain MTO parmeters
-// may need to be adjusted. This function is called when NIC just failed
-// to transmit a packet or when MSDULifeTime expired.
-// Arguments:
-// adapter - The pointer to the Miniport adapter Context
-// Return Value:
-// None
-void MTO_TxFailed(MTO_FUNC_INPUT)
- return;
-int Divide(int a, int b)
- if (b==0) b=1;
- return a/b;
diff --git a/drivers/staging/winbond/mto.h b/drivers/staging/winbond/mto.h
index 536c4f1..0d3775e 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/winbond/mto.h
+++ b/drivers/staging/winbond/mto.h
@@ -168,7 +168,6 @@ typedef struct _MTO_PARAMETERS
#define MTO_PREAMBLE_CHANGE_ENABLE() MTO_DATA().PreambleChangeEnable
#define MTO_RATE_LEVEL() MTO_DATA().DataRateLevel
-#define MTO_FALLBACK_RATE_LEVEL() MTO_DATA().FallbackRateLevel
#define MTO_OFDM_RATE_LEVEL() MTO_DATA().OfdmRateLevel
#define MTO_RATE_CHANGE_ENABLE() MTO_DATA().DataRateChangeEnable
#define MTO_FRAG_TH_LEVEL() MTO_DATA().FragThresholdLevel
@@ -201,11 +200,9 @@ typedef struct _MTO_PARAMETERS
-extern u8 MTO_Data_Rate_Tbl[];
extern u16 MTO_Frag_Th_Tbl[];
#define MTO_DATA_RATE() MTO_Data_Rate_Tbl[MTO_RATE_LEVEL()]
-#define MTO_DATA_FALLBACK_RATE() MTO_Data_Rate_Tbl[MTO_FALLBACK_RATE_LEVEL()] //next level
#define MTO_FRAG_TH() MTO_Frag_Th_Tbl[MTO_FRAG_TH_LEVEL()]
typedef struct {